Over the past few months my Weather Extension has grown to over 118,000+ users and averages 14 req/sec. Weather uses Laravel primarily as an api and VueJs to render the html. Speed is very important. Currently Weather is hosted on a $40 a month Digital Ocean server. Since Weather is free, I’ve tried my best to keep cost low. Here are a few changes I’ve made to improve the performance of my Laravel app. Read More
Category: Laravel

Zero Downtime Laravel Forge Deploys
So you’re a Laravel developer and of course you are using Forge to manage your servers. You enjoy how simple Forge makes it to deploy your applications but you may notice a few seconds of downtime when your app is updating packages etc. To solve this you could use Envoyer, from Taylor Otwell or hack together you own solution. Read More

Backup your Laravel 5 App to Dropbox
Want a free way to backup your laravel app and database to dropbox? This guide should help!
Packages used
- spatie/laravel-backup – Backups your filesystem and database to any Laravel file system
- thephpleague/flysystem-dropbox – Adds dropbox as a laravel file system