How to Mass Unfollow on Twitter

Have you ever wanted to remove some of your followers on twitter? Twitter does not provide a native way to do this, but you can automate it in your browsers developer console.


  1. Using Chrome, login to your Twitter account and go to your follower’s page (
  2. Make sure you are using the Classic version of Twitter’s website.
  3. Open developer tools in your Chrome browser CMD+Option+C (Mac) or Control+Shift+C (Windows, Linux, Chrome OS)
  4. Go to the Console tab
  5. Paste in the code below and press enter

This command will find all the unfollow buttons on the page and click them. So however many followers you have displayed will be immediately unfollowed.


I thought this was a neat trick to clean up your followers. Hope you find it useful.

Debugging Go Error

After a recent upgrade to macOS Mojave, my machine was not able to debug in GoLand due to the error below:

could not launch process: exec: "lldb-server": executable file not found in $PATH

To fix this you have to install xcode-select, a command-line utility on macOS: Type in the command below into your terminal to install xcode-select.

xcode-select --install

After installing xcode-select, everything was working.

How to Exclude Files from a Zip Archive

When zipping a folder using the command line in macOS, you may have noticed certain files are include such as DS_Store and __MACOSX are included. With a few command arguments, these files can be filtered out.

Exclude All Hidden Files

zip -r pathToFolder -x "*.*"

Exclude .DS_Store and __MACOSX

zip -r pathToFolder -x "*.DS_Store" "__MACOSX*"

Exclude all jpegs

zip -r pathToFolder -x "*.jpegs"

Hopefully this helps you filter out unwanted files when zipping folders in macOS.

Seth’s First, ten

Seth’s post titled First, ten from back in 2009 is still relevant today. If you are building a product, finding your first ten users can be challenging but they are the first step to 100 then a 1,000 and so on.

Plan on the gradual build that turns into a tidal wave.

Be patient and stay motivated. Three years ago when I made the first commit for my weather extension, I never could have imaged it would have grown to over 200,000 active users. I was focused on the first 10 users and listened to their feedback. With many ups and downs, it has been a great journey so far. Here’s to another new year!