Register Global Vue Components using Webpack

If you have ever worked on a VueJs application, you probably have noticed there are several ways to register Vue components. You have the ability to manually register each component globally or locally. This will work but is very repetitive and not necessary.


Vue.component('my-component-name', { /* ... */ })


components: {
   'component-a': ComponentA,
   'component-b': ComponentB

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Side Project Tech Stack

I want to start this post by saying this is my preference on the frameworks and technologies that I use for most of my apps. Depending on your experience and goals you should experiment to see what works for you. For example, here’s a tweet from Pieter Levels that his site is running on a single PHP file and is making over $2,000 a day. He makes a good point that if your goal is to make money, the frameworks and libraries can get in the way of you making progress. It’s impressive what he is able to accomplish by keeping things simple.

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Ways to Improve Laravel Performance

Over the past few months my Weather Extension has grown to over 118,000+ users and averages 14 req/sec. Weather uses Laravel primarily as an api and VueJs to render the html. Speed is very important. Currently Weather is hosted on a $40 a month Digital Ocean server. Since Weather is free, I’ve tried my best to keep cost low. Here are a few changes I’ve made to improve the performance of my Laravel app. Read More