How To Find Large Files Linux

Running out of disk space on your Linux server and need to find the files taking up the most space? The du or Disk Utility command is a standard Linux command, used to check the information of disk usage of files and directories. Below is the command that will list out the files and folders in the current directory in descending order.

Sort DESC in human-readable format

du -h | sort -h -r


Here is a great resource for additional du parameter options.

Text Replacement Not Working

With the release of iOS 12, Apple appears to have placed a 128 character limit on text replacement. At first, I thought this was a bug but it appears to be intentional. After some searching, I discovered a simple workaround using the Google Keyboard.

This is not ideal, but unless Apple releases an update, this is the best option. Once you install the Gboard, you should be able to use your text replacement shortcuts as before.

Hope this helps!

Curl gzip Website

If you have ever tried to curl a website and it returns a bunch of unreadable characters? It is most likely a gzip/compressed response. Here is an example of a curl request to which returns compressed characters.

To get a readable response, you can add the –compressed options to your curl command.

curl --compressed

If you are using curl in PHP you can set the CURLOPT_ENCODING to an empty string.

curl_setopt($x, CURLOPT_ENCODING, '')

The contents of the “Accept-Encoding: ” header. This enables decoding of the response. Supported encodings are “identity”, “deflate”, and “gzip”. If an empty string, “”, is set, a header containing all supported encoding types is sent.

Add Amazon Affiliate Code to Links

If you’re a blogger and not using Amazon affiliate links, you are missing out on a great extra source of income. Unlike ads, they do not affect your readers and allow them to find the items you are reviewing/recommending.

When writing a post, there is always a chance you could forget to add your affiliate code to the end of the URL. Below is a javascript snippet that can be added to most websites and will automatically add your affiliate code to any Amazon URL. Make sure you include jquery on your site and change the affilateTag variable. Read More