Update – Just published a better method
This part 2 for my guide on how to control cheap wireless power outlets using a Google Home and a raspberry pi. Part 1 covered Siri and HomeKit. Part 3 will cover the Amazon Echo. This tutorial assumes you already setup the outlets.
Steps to Setup Google Home to control Wireless Power Outlets
- Create an IFTT account.
- Create a new service on IFTT
- For the if service choose Google Assistent then Say a simple phrase
- Fill out the options for your voice commands. For example, “Turn on the lamps”
- For the that service, choose Google Drive then Add row to spreadsheet
- Add the outlet code for the row that will be added to the spreadsheet
- Test your phrase to make sure it’s adding the code to the google spreadsheet. (Make sure you add the header record OutletId to your spreadsheet)
- You will want to follow steps 1-5 to add the on and off codes for all of your outlets
- Now you want to share the spreadsheet so your raspberry pi can access it
- You should now be able to view a json format of your spreadsheet at https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/list/YOUR_SPREADSHEET_ID/1/public/values?alt=json (Replace YOUR_SPREADSHEET_ID with the ID from your google sheet url)
- Now login to your raspberry pi and run:
sudo nano /home/pi/googlehome.py
- Paste in this python script. Make sure you replace YOUR_SPREADSHEET_ID with your ID
- Test the everything work by running and saying your voice command:
python /home/pi/googlehome.py
- For the if service choose Google Assistent then Say a simple phrase
Great job if everything is working so far!
Follow the steps below to get the script to start when your pi reboots.
Start the script on reboot
- Run this command and paste this file
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/googlehome.service
Create a user for the service
sudo useradd --system googlehome
Reload services
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Enable the service
sudo systemctl enable googlehome
- Start the service
sudo systemctl start googlehome
- Reboot and the script should be running. If it crashes it will attempt to restart
Please leave a comment below if you have any questions or if this helped you.
Thanks for reading. Make sure you follow me on Twitter to stay up to date on the progress of my side projects T.LY, Weather Extension, and Link Shortener Extension. If you are interested in the tech I use daily, check out my uses page.
Hi Tim, great guide on integration of the switches with Google Home.
It works fine when I run it using the python script but I’m having issues with starting the googlehome.service when my Rpi 2 reboots.
I followed your steps but when I do a “ps aux | grep -i googlehome” I don’t see the service running.
Just wondering what might be wrong.
Also, just wondering if you have any plans to integrate this under Samsung SmartThings.
Hey Bill good job so far on getting it to work! It could be that the googlehome user can’t access codesend. Try remove the user from the service. Check out this post https://timleland.com/how-to-run-a-linux-program-on-startup/. Also check out https://timleland.com/use-amazon-echo-to-control-wireless-power-outlets/. This method works for the google home. It’s a lot cleaner way of controlling the lights than using ifft. I plan on writing a new post for google home. The only gotcha that I know of is you have to use port 80 when using ha-bridge. Hopefully this helps.
that did the trick!
remove the googlehome as user of service and changed the permission of codesend to 755.
Awesome glad you got it to work
How does this control the lights? Are you using some relay board?
Check out the guide here https://timleland.com/wireless-power-outlets/
great post thanks for the info. I’ve gone through all the steps and it works . When I reboot however the script does not run automatically. Any advice appreciated, should I try crontab instead ? Also
Google sheets naming has changed so to get it to work the format is :
Thanks I recommend checking out the newer version of this guide https://timleland.com/google-home-to-control-wireless-power-outlets/
Hi Tim, thanks for getting back to me. The philips hue type guide no longer works tho so this one is the best bet.