Subdomain or Subfolder for Blog?

When deciding if a blog for T.LY link shortener, should be on a separate domain, I reached out to IndieHackers to get their opinion. I originally was going to use my domain for the blog and marketing site but decided to just use and /blog redirects on T.LY from all the feedback. This is primarily for SEO reasons to consolidate authority to a single domain. Google claims that sub-domains are not worst/better compared to a subfolder if this is easier for your server setup. Just make sure you add both sites to Google Search Console.

It was pretty clear that /blog on your primary domain is the best option but this is also the most complicated due to routing if your blog is hosted on a CMS like WordPress. One solution is to use Cloudflare as a reverse proxy using their cloud workers.

What are your thoughts on the best URL for a blog?

Thanks for reading. Make sure you follow me on Twitter to stay up to date on the progress of my side projects T.LYWeather Extension, and Link Shortener Extension. If you are interested in the tech I use daily, check out my uses page.  

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